
Of the 67 million primary-school-aged children around the world who do not attend school, 40 million live in countries affected by armed conflict. Millions more have had their education disrupted by natural disasters, crime, and violence.

In response, from 2014 to 2019, the USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (ECCN) sought to improve policy, planning, and practice in education in crisis and conflict (EICC) settings. ECCN shared knowledge, developed tools and guidance, and delivered professional development opportunities to build the capacity of its members. It focused on four priority areas: safer learning environments, improved programming, enhanced equity, and strengthening local institutions.

ECCN was guided by a 13-member steering group composed of EICC professionals representing USAID and its partners. Through this initiative, EDC managed an eight-member support team that promoted the development and sharing of resources among USAID and its education partners working in crisis and conflict-affected environments.

Key Activities

The activities of the USAID ECCN included the following:

  • Develop and support the EICC community of practice
  • Build and disseminate evidence for the field
  • Test, disseminate, and use guidance, tools, metrics, and theories of change in education in conflict and crisis contexts
  • Apply tools in education in crisis and conflict programming
  • Develop, implement, and assess professional development for USAID staff and implementing partner


  • ECCN provided members with access to existing and emerging EICC-related resources through its website, newsletters, blogs, events, and webcasts.
  • ECCN conducted targeted research in EICC, based on USAID priorities, and supported related networks and initiatives, such as the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, the Accelerated Education Working Group, and the Equity Research Initiative.
  • USAID ECCN built a membership of nearly 1,500 educators, practitioners, and researchers.

Learn More

USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (USAID ECCN)
U.S. Agency for International Development

Morgan Borscz Consulting; University of Massachusetts Center for International Education; Exterion, LLC